What is Exception Handling?

    A computer program written in any language that  is C++ java C# may encounter 3 types of error

1.Compilation error

2.logical error

3.Runtime error 

    The meaning of compilation error  is the programmer has some synthetically  error that he might have wrong code and flower bracket etc that is invalid syntax are incomplete syntax  leads to compilation error.

  In case of logical error the program is synthetically  correct but customer may get unexpected output from the program this is also need to be detected fixed by programmer only if the program is synthetically and logically correct the still  if it is encounters in the runtime like mismatch  of data  type overflows of data server not available then such error beyond the control of the programmer and to tackle then which are called runtime exception both Java and C# you used same concept that is they use try catch and finally section try and catch are compulsory  block finally is a optional block  


